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Worksite Safety
Why Physical and Mental Well-Being is Crucial
posted on 09.12.2023
It's a familiar sight: Men and women clustered at a job site, hard hats and safety vests on and clearly visible. This standard image showcases a commitment to the physical safety of its workforce, a necessary aspect of any construction company.… [more]
Labor & Workforce
Worksite Safety
Ensuring Safe Working Conditions Amid Poor Air Quality
posted on 06.19.2023
Another day, another air quality alert. As construction professionals, we are no strangers to the challenges posed by nature. However, when the air quality is severely impacted by external factors (such as wildfires in Canada), it becomes very… [more]
Worksite Safety
Six Actionable Tips for Ensuring Trench Safety in Minnesota
posted on 06.12.2023
June has been declared National Trench Safety Month by the National Utility Contractors Association. For Minnesota's construction professionals working literally in the trenches, safety must be a priority due to the unique challenges… [more]
Worksite Safety
One Word: Layers
posted on 01.30.2023
It's the end of the month, and the weather's dipping below zero. Working outside has its ups (fresh air, being in the great outdoors) and downs (frostbite, icy work surfaces, hypothermia). If you find yourself working in outdoors… [more]
Worksite Safety
Why Veterans Make Great Construction Employees
posted on 11.14.2022
There's no way around it; the construction industry NEEDS more workers. Earlier this year, Associated Builders and Contractors determined the industry will need to hire 650,000 more workers than the typical place of hiring to meet the demand for… [more]
Worksite Safety
7 Tips to Increase Construction Productivity
posted on 11.01.2022
We all want to say we're "done" with COVID-19, but the latest stats show that we're not out of the woods yet. Experts are calling this upcoming winter a tri-demic, a superstorm of three major illnesses expected to surge once temperatures dip… [more]
Worksite Safety
Contributing to a More Respectful Workplace
posted on 10.20.2022
We've reached Day 4 of Construction Inclusion Week 2022, and today's theme is Workplace Culture. Establishing and maintaining a positive workplace culture means that everyone gets to experience a workplace that is inclusive and respectful.… [more]
Worksite Safety
Construction Inclusion Week: Belonging
posted on 10.18.2022
INCLUSION - WHAT IS IT? What does inclusion mean? Inclusion is a feeling of belonging, and an inclusive workplace exists when employees are valued, respected, accepted and encouraged to fully participate in their organization. People who feel… [more]
Worksite Safety
Fall Construction Safety Tips
posted on 09.26.2022
Each season brings its own construction hazards, from heat illness in summer to freezing cold temperatures and icy conditions in winter. Autumn is no exception. Whether wrapping up large summer projects or scrambling to get a new build weather-right… [more]
Worksite Safety
We Need to Talk about Suicide in the Construction Industry
posted on 09.12.2022
September is National Suicide Prevention month, and in 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that the construction industry had one of the highest rates of death by suicide among their workers, 5,242 in 2018, which was… [more]
Worksite Safety
How a Recession Could Change Employment Outlook for Construction
posted on 08.22.2022
This article orignally appeared online with the Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal on August 10, 2022 and was written by Ashley Fahey. Has the construction labor issue gotten better, worse or remained about the same since the pandemic started?… [more]
Worksite Safety
If This is Your Current Password, It’s Time to Update
posted on 08.05.2022
We have a serious question for you: is your current password “123456” (give or take a number or two)? If you answered yes, you’re going to want to change it…and fast. It doesn’t matter if it’s the CEO of a… [more]
Worksite Safety
How to Make the Construction Industry Eco-Friendlier
posted on 04.22.2022
Happy Earth Day, construction workers! Today, April 22, is the much-celebrated annual holiday known as Earth Day. As an industry, we should strive to make construction more efficient and eco-friendlier. What choices can we make across all parts of… [more]
Worksite Safety
Construction Bond Claims - Part 3
posted on 01.24.2022
So far, we have covered Bid Bonds and Payment Bonds. For our third and final exploration of bonds claims, we will take a look at Performance Bonds. ------- Performance Bonds, a common type of surety bond, are issued either by a bank or… [more]
Worksite Safety
Construction Bond Claims - Part 2
posted on 12.20.2021
Everyone appreciates getting paid for the work that they do, but rarely do employers have to take out a special type of bond just to guarantee that they’ll pay their employees, subcontractors, and suppliers. This is where a Payment Bond steps… [more]
Worksite Safety
Construction Bond Claims - Part 1
posted on 12.14.2021
Contractors always work to avoid claims situations, but should also be proactive about understanding the process. There are 3 main types of construction bonds: bid bonds, payment bonds, and performance bonds. Contractors should be familiar with… [more]
Worksite Safety
The Most Valuable College Majors are Construction-Related
posted on 11.05.2021
A recent analysis from Bankrate, a publisher and provider of financial product comparison tools, shows three of the five top-earning and most secure four-year college majors are related to the construction industry. An engineering degree of any kind… [more]
Worksite Safety
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